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Remortgaging, simply put, is moving your mortgage from one lender to another without moving home. 


Remortgage Mortgage Broker Lincoln

What to expect in the Remortgage process

If you have used us before to find you a mortgage, you'll receive an e-mail just before the current rate on your mortgage runs out - we do this so that you're not caught out and have to pay the standard rate from the lender. 


We put the best interests of our clients at the heart of everything that we do, so making sure that you have the best mortgage deal for your circumstances doesn't just stop when you've got your first mortgage. 


As many mortgages run as a fixed rate for two, three or five years, it can be easy to forget to look again at the mortgage and find yourself on a significantly higher rate when your deal comes to an end. 


Even if you didn't take your original mortgage out with our help, we can still support you through the remortgage process. 


Book a call with an adviser

Not sure where to start? 

Book a call with our expert advisers today to discover what mortgage deals could be available to you. 

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Download the Guide

Find out what to expect from your experience with White Mortgages by downloading our easy to follow guide to the house buying process. 

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Prepare for your Appointment

Before your first appointment, you'll be sent a link to our online Portal where you can upload the documents the team have asked for. 

By doing this before the appointment, your adviser is able to gain a deep understanding of what mortgages could be available to you.


Excellent service.

 I am always skeptical about paid services however this is well worth the money. 

I will continue to use White Mortgages & would recommend anyone else to do the same. 

- Mr T, Nettleham

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